The new Symmetry Park Biggleswade distribution centre is located on a greenfield site where grid capacity is limited. BasePower designed, built, procured and now operates an Energy Centre to ensure a continuous and robust power supply for occupiers, with a greener energy mix including roof top solar PV.

The Road to On-site Power Solutions at Biggleswade

Symmetry Park Biggleswade is a brand new logistics park located off the A1 between Cambridge and Milton Keynes. As a state-of-the-art development in such a prime location this has provided significant investment into East Bedfordshire.  Early interest was received from tenants including the Co-operative Group, which has now opened a regional distribution centre on the site.

Site developer and owner Tritax Symmetry is well known for its strategic commitment to achieving net zero carbon in construction, and delivering as low carbon occupancy as possible for tenants. However, the distribution network is weak in this part of the country and the site was forecast to need more power capacity in its early years than the local distribution network was able to provide.

Working closely with Tritax and in consultation with the future occupiers, BasePower generated an energy strategy for the entire logistics park followed by a scheme design for a central Energy Centre. This would provide the required capacity and resilience at the lowest possible environmental impact, while giving occupiers access to high levels of onsite renewable generation in the form of rooftop solar PV. 

Technical highlights

BasePower led the detailed design work of the Energy Centre, followed by supplier selection, procurement, construction and commissioning. 

The Energy Centre comprises:

  • 3MVA of total capacity for the four warehouses on site

  • 1MVA of grid power

  • 2MVA of firm local generation, comprising 2MVA of batteries, 3MVA of high efficiency gas engines and 2MVA of back-up generators

  • An initial 230kWp of roof top PV, with 3MWp planned expansion in 2023

  • Up to 2MWth hot water heat generation capacity for occupiers. 


All four occupiers on Phase 2 have signed up to use the 2MW Energy Centre with BidFood UK, Bowman Ingredients and Noatum joining Co-operative Group.

The flexible design of the Energy Centre enables the full deployment of solar PV onto the entire roof space, providing a pathway for occupiers to achieve net-zero carbon via generation on their own building.

Planning applications have been submitted by Tritax for a third phase of development for this successful site.


“We realised the need to supplement and enhance the national grid supply to ensure a continuous, robust and greener alternative power supply for our occupiers. We estimate a saving of between five and ten percent on grid energy bills, and the energy centres are also upgradable if extra power is needed, such as by adding additional PV.”

Tom Leeming, Development Director, Tritax Symmetry